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Thank you for your interest in becoming a host on the Short-let Rentals platform. Shortlet Rentals is an online booking platform created for owners of shortlet properties and lovers of shortlet living

With Shortlet Rentals, You get the opportunity to put your property right in front of your target audience.

To get your property listed on the platform, you must create a profile and upload your accommodation information and wait for approval from shortletrentals.com . A specialist will contact you within 24/48 hours after your profile has been created. The specialist will review your information and request for more information if needed. Once successfully reviewed and approved by specialist, You will be required to schedule an in -person inspection to verify the current state of your accommodation

Please do not schedule an appointment for inspection unless you have gotten approval from a specialist to do so

Click here to Get Started

Once you have received approval to proceed, kindly schedule your in-person appointment.

Click here to Schedule Appointment

Once your appointment has been scheduled, an inspector will show up to your property on the scheduled date and time

Thank you for wanting to be a part of a community that makes it easier for guest to find their perfect Shortlet

Earn more money when you list with Shortlet Rentals

Become a host

Shortlet Rentals hosts earn more money and get more exposure when they ist their property on the platform
